Recent happenings

So here's my long post about everything I've been working on, learning and whatnot as a catch up from being busy, among everything else I've been working through. To read everything, click the button ->

First up, more Android programming. Back at Towson when I was in the Print Center trying to make things better I semi-designed a way to improve things with the computers, televisions and so forth. So in my first thing I tried to do was to create an Android application that would house some of the simple things that students could use initially, to have the basics of things right at their hands. Here's a video/demo of my progress so far, and some thoughts about it. I'm still not sure if I'll continue with it, or how far I'll go with finishing the entire project, but I learned a lot about how it all works. Feel free to give me any feedback.

Next up, new projects and photographs, and continuing the 'old' projects. I'll start with the new excitement: First is a new landscape, I tried a new way of taking these, along with editing, this is the one I liked the most out of the first attempts. Second is another landscape, but a lot more simplistic. Lastly is another go at doing one of the 'fragments' images, with color this time. I figured out some technical things that should have been obvious when shooting this time so it was slightly easier. I've been finding out what works well for these subject wise and color/tone wise, so its starting to work out nicer. 

Also, I've been messing around more with creating sculptural works with the abstract imagery I've been doing. There's an animation you can see of that here, here, and here. The 'basics' is using the images to create 3D bases that the photographs go onto, these use a couple different methods of that. The idea being to create 3d prints of those, then use the images as a base layer on that, then mess around with color or something to morph them around. It probably makes more sense thinking about it than trying to explain it quickly. 

I'm also working on updating my website layout. Nothing super drastic, but it should be a nice update. A new main index page that's a single page slideshow, and hopefully some better looking pages on the mobile side, to start with, and maybe some new colors, I'm not entirely sure yet, but also, it's not actually active yet or finished either. 

Let me know what you think about any of it, always glad to hear input.